Our Work

ECF aims to promote improved health and well-being for all through the effective implementation of its core activities which include capacity development and health systems strengthening, social impact issues, and clinical and non-clinical research.

Enhancing Care Foundation’s focus areas and scope of service is presented below.

Focus Areas Scope Of Service
HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB (prevention, control, treatment, and care) research Evaluation: design, implementation and evaluation of programs
Research: translational research for diagnostics and therapeutics
Non-communicable diseases prevention and treatment Implementation science research
Provision of quality health care Prevention and behavior change research.
Therapeutics research in HIV and TB
Clinical mentorship Design and evaluation of mentorship strategies and programs for clinicians including doctors, nurses and pharmacists
Sexual and reproductive health and rights Needs assessments
Key populations Design and evaluation of programs for prevention of HIV and STI among key populations
Human rights and rights-based approaches Involvement in capacity development in risk populations including MSM and Transgender populations
Gender mainstreaming Involvement in gender-based structures for research including NIH Women’s Research Committee (DAIDS). Inclusion of gender-mainstreaming issues in all projects
Material development Development of electronic and paper materials for a wide range of capacity development programs aimed at health care workers, auxiliary health workers and policy makers
Development of IEC materials
Face to face training curriculum design, implementation and evaluation Development and implementation of various programs aimed at clinical management, mentorship, communication, sexuality and program management
eLearning courses Design, implementation and evaluation of blended and distance programs.
Development of electronic learning platforms with associated tools for electronic assessments
Health promotion and social marketing Involvement in education and awareness campaigns